Top 6 jQuery HTML5 Placeholder Plugins

Here is a collection of useful placeholder plugins for jQuery. There are plenty out there but these are the best we’ve found, with plenty of features to suit any developer.

1. Placeholdem

A JavaScript plugin that animates placeholder carets on inputs and textareas. The placeholder value will incrementally delete on focus, and restore on blur.

2. jQuery Label Better

Label your form input like a boss with this plugin, using beautiful animations and without taking up space.

3. Placeholder

This plugin uses different implementations of HTML5 placeholder polyfills/shims for different use cases. Check out a demo.

4. HTML5 Placeholder jQuery Plugin

A jQuery plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder behavior for browsers that aren’t trying hard enough yet. Check out a demo.

5. jQuery Placeholder Plugin

This is a simple plugin for jQuery that provides support for the HTML5 placeholder attribute in browsers that do not already support it.

6. jQuery Placeholder Enhanced

Placeholder Enhanced enhances the HTML5 placeholder attribute by providing cross-browser support & styling. Check out a demo.
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